Based Time
$CLOCKY | Based Time
Based Time is the latest meme project on Base with its token called as $CLOCKY. $CLOCKY is the meme of Clocks, here to rule the idea of TIME. $CLOCKY rules the TIME. But it is not just a MEME, it is for real. This is the phase of $CLOCKY conquering the TIME.
The history of this conquest begun when $CLOCKY stepped the Web Land at basetimezone.com. Over the sky of this basetime web, $CLOCKY started the MAGICAL tick of a Universal TIME CLOCK. The Time it shows there is shown exactly the same for all over the GLOBE.
So now, this magical $CLOCKY CLOCK brings immense convenience for the Global Communication scenarios. People get to use this BASED TIME as the Standard Time Reference for their global communications.
In an interview $CLOCKY said Elon, "it'd feel much better to say 04:20 “BT” instead of GMT or ABC or UKG. BASED TIME means BASED TIME. When it is 04:20 BT there, it is 04:20 BT here. When I say “I will call you by 17:00 BT”, you just need to check when BT turns 17:00. No more Time Zone calculations and Confusions. BASED TIME is the universal CLOCK for all. And $CLOCKY is its Ticker."

The Deflationary Mechanism
There are only 31,536,000 $CLOCKYs minted and it is non further mintable. 31,536,000 is the total number of Seconds in an Year. $CLOCKY governs the Base Time Zone, but who is the King of $CLOCKY? Anyone can hold some $CLOCKY, but $CLOCKY is a ticking bomb.
For every SELL happening around $CLOCKY, the Trade Tax BURNS 1% of the Sell Volume from $CLOCKY’s supply. No tax on BUYS. So, each of them selling, ticks down $CLOCKY’s supply 1% of the trade.
If someone sells 1Million $CLOCKYs, 10,000 $CLOCKYs are burned. Thus $CLOCKY shrinks and shrinks down to reduce its supply for every single day, drastically increasing the TOKEN value day by day. The Time is LIMITED, so is $CLOCKY, it got limited supply. The Time is a ticking bomb, so is $CLOCKY, for each Sells, the supply gets reduced by 1% of the trade. As the Market Cap surpasses Millions and Billions, the Supply shrinks down to its last Thousand and Hundred, anyone even holding the dust of $CLOCKY will be richer than the Lord Bitcoin itself. And our total supply is not Billions or Trillions of unlimited Tokens, we start with just 31.536 Million Tokens, the total number of Seconds in an Year. But there is more, this is just the PHASE 1 of $CLOCKY’s conquest of Time.

The Conquest begun when $CLOCKY stepped the Web Land of basetimezone.com. But that was just the beginning, and just within the first quarter of this historical moment after $CLOCKY’s deployment, the flying $CLOCKY stars would enter the landscapes of Android and iOS with the $CLOCKY Widget Apps. These widgets will show the BasedTime live on their homescreen, further propelling the convenience in using BT during global conversation scenarios.
Just imagine the convenience to say “The Champions League Final will start at 16:20 BT”, or “Apple’s WWDC streams at 20:30 BT”. Even if the official announcements do not mention our Time Metrics, we can have our official @BaseTimeZone social channels update the BT format for all global events.
It is just that for all the global events our current usage of different Time Zones is pretty inconvenient and an option like BT can fill the void, at least for a fun. After all, $CLOCKY is just a Meme, the Meme of Time. Our Webland presence at basetimezone.com and the expanded conquering on Android and iOS fields, will be a great convincing starting point, but what we get to offer in the mission would be fun and exciting.

The Tokenomics is such that there’s 1.5% Tax on Selling Tokens , out of which the 1% is Auto Burned at the time of each sells, this makes our Token supply deflationary. From just 31.536 Million tokens to the last thousand, hundred and one, $CLOCKY is preparing for an EPIC journey.
The simple possibility that we are providing a global utility OnChain might give us a chance to collaborate with Global Events to effectively make use of Based Time. Imagine the day your cousin from Moon texting you he will transfer the money he owes you by 19:30 BT. Which other Time Zone he gonna use? The Moon Time Zone? Or even if he gets to use a Moon TZ, how are you going to calculate it with our Local Time Zones of GMT, ETC or TYB?
Imagine the convenience of BaseTimeZone in all of our inter planetary communications. But that is not just this, we got more. Once we hit the 1Billion Market Cap, we’d have so much revenue generated by which we would hire Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton or Neil deGrasse Tyson to formulate a scientific format for a Universal Timekeeping Format that would tick exactly the same universally.
The New World we humans have created in this past decade is so intriguingly connected, such that we are long overdue to come up with a new global time keeping format instead of the current Gregorian Sexagesimal Time Format. It was okay when we were living in Caves, but now we are one big Global Community with Teleportation and Inter Continental Instant Communications and Global Events happening every minute of the day. But someone should take the initiative to deploy something like BTZ, and who do you think that’d be? The US government? Or the Chinese? Or maybe the Russian? If you even wildly thought of UN, then it’d take centuries when they finally get it done even if a resolution to do so is passed today.
It is actually Us who is going to make this happen. With the idea of Blockchain and Community driven Meme frenzy now, what a Time to be alive. We got the power to kickstart something like this, put value to the idea of Time, propel and Expand our own resolution in such a mass movement, all by beautifully crafting the Tokenomics to be deflationary by having Auto Burn Mechanism that ticks the supply down, down to the last Thousand, Hundred and One, and with our Market Cap to be on Billions, the last few Tokens would be valued……, umm guess it.

Q1 2025
-> Develop the initial webpage at basetimezone.com with the display of BaseTime ✅
Q1 2025
-> Research to pick which should be the default Time we start the BaseTime ✅
Preferred Norwegian Time Zone as the default Base Time Zone as this is the closest Time Zone to Arctic Polar Region of Earth, where Time and Duration of Day/Night is spiral. It’s 6 months continuous day, 6 months continuous night, with spiral of Twilight, Midnight Sun and Antitwilight Glow, the phenomenon of Day and Night doesn’t matter there, just the ticking of Clock forms the Time, which is exactly the perfect denomination that suits our BTZ.
Q1 2025
-> Deploy $CLOCKY ✅
- 31,566,000 Tokens
- 3.5% Tax on Selling (3% Auto Burn) (Deflationary)
Q1 2025
->Launch Android and iOS Clock Widgets ⛳
Under Development
Q2/Q3 2025
->GO MAINSTREAM on all fronts, web2, Elon, Airports, Sports, News
1Billion Market Cap
->Invest for the Innovative Phase.
Here we may have to bring scientific research to formulate a new structure for this Universal Time Keeping, perhaps a scientific shift to a new time keeping from the current Gregorian Sexagesimal Format. The conditions for this new format will be
-> Easy for all different language followers.
-> Simple, yet conveys an accurate point of time including the date.
-> Even consider interplanetary applicability so that ELON can use our BT for Mars' Timekeeping.
Q3/Q4 2025:
-> Updating the mobile widget apps to include a live daily feed of different Global events’ BT time
-> Install BT Clocks on Airports and Railway stations.
-> Launch Live wallpapers and screensavers for desktops and mobiles.
->Launch different Scenery options.